Get to know your coach, Kara Shaffer

I grew up as a competitive gymnast in small town Ohio. As a kid, I don't remember what life was like without exercise and pushing my body to the max. I was exposed to understanding my body weight and size at the age of 6. I did gymnastics for 12 years and competed up to Level 8!

In middle school and high school, I was a track runner and all-star cheerleader. At the time I mainly worked out and ate to be “smaller”. I was often sick, injured, anxious, and unhappy. After graduating high school, I cheered at the University of Toledo, where my body dysmorphia that started as a kid, was at its worst. Instead of addressing my unhealthy “health and wellness” practices, I ran away from them.

In 2014 I moved to Columbus and I went the complete opposite direction with my health. I didn’t exercise and ate a diet that was highly proceeded. I heavily drank 4-5x a week. I was depressed, unmotivated, lost, and still struggling with an eating disorder. I gained 30 pounds in 1 year.

I decided to turn my life around when I started coaching competitive gymnastics. I wanted to be healthy and proud of my body. I wanted to stop focusing on loosing and start focusing on gaining. When I made the mindset shift to get stronger and add muscle to my body, I knew I was on the right track to happiness with my body. I coached gymnastics for 9 years where I was the head coach for a local gymnastics team with levels 2-8.

Today, I approach every day as a new day to celebrate my body. I am an avid dog walker, runner, cyclist, hiker, Pilates practitioner, and adventure seeker. I eat a diet full of protein, fiber, fat, and tons of vitamins and minerals. I have discovered I value my purpose the most in life. If I have purpose, I am happy. I pour that mentality into every session I teach and every person I interact with.

I welcome you to find your purpose with health, wellness, and movement! Let me teach you that adding to your life is better than taking away. I have dedicated my life to learning from the best in the industry. I am truly a vessel to help you live the strongest and healthiest version of yourself.

  • NASM Personal Training

  • IIN Health Coaching

  • USA Gymnastics

  • SOP 200Hr Pilates Reformer

  • StrongFirst SFG I/II


  • 2023-Current: Small Group Training and KSM Remote Coach.

  • 2021 - Current: Pilates Reformer Instructor

  • 2014-2023: Head coach for Gym Skills Elite, competitive gymnastics team.
